AECOsim Building Designer Help

Architectural Wall Connections

Automatic Wall Connection, Cleanup and Cutback

Auto(matic) Connect wall cleanup saves considerable production time precluding you from having to continually return to drawings to cleanup wall intersections and wall ends. It also lessens the burden and amount of work required during drawing composition to cleanup modeled wall representations in drawings prior to, and during, the drawing creation processing.

In addition to intersections with other walls, this functionality also automatically recognizes and cleans up common wall intersection conditions with other non-wall elements and components during workflow. Such conditions include intersections with rectangular columns and column grid lines. Wall ends are cleaned up to accommodate these conditions and angular mating surfaces between wall ends and adjoining elements (rectangular columns and linear elements for example) match even when intersections are at angles other than right angles to wall center lines.

Considerable production time is also saved not having to worry about placing extremely accurate data points during the modeling process. The visual modeling accuracy of model wall intersections is automatically provided and the placement enhancements are proliferated to drawings.

Automatic 3D Wall Cleanup

Similarly, automatic 3D wall cleanup functionality trims and cleans up the ends of wall segments during 3D modeling at the time of placement. Cleanup occurs where walls intersect, when the start and/or end points of a new wall fall within range of an existing wall. That range is one-half of the existing wall thickness.

Note: Does not pertain to new walls that cross completely over other existing walls. The functionality also does not unify the walls, it only cleans up the ends of the walls where they meet. Walls can be modified and manipulated as individual objects and elements.

Delete Operations

Walls are also automatically cleaned up if adjacent walls are deleted. For example, when a wall connects to another wall at a right angle and forms a mitred joint, the face of the remaining wall end reverts back to a squared condition when the connecting wall is deleted, leaving free standing wall with squared end faces.

In addition, the wall face or side of the wall that is selected for deletion has an impact on the position where the ends of the previously connected walls come to rest. In these situations, the center lines of the remaining walls extend to the plane where the selected face of the deleted wall used to exist.